Xamarin: Moving the view on Keyboard show The keyboard on a phone normally covers around half the screen when it appears. That means… HowTo, iOS, Keyboard, MonoTouch, UIScrollView, Xamarin
Xamarin: Pixate demo Here is my demo for getting started using Pixate for MonoTouch. Pixate is designed to allow… HowTo, iOS, MonoTouch, Pixate, Xamarin
Xamarin: Skinning an app for different clients using Appearance and themes In my app I need to have the ability to re-skin the entire UI based on… HowTo, iOS, MonoTouch, Pixate, UIAppearance, Xamarin
Xamarin: UIPageControl and UIScrollView for iOS homescreen look I wanted to add horizontal page swiping to my app similar to what you see on… HowTo, iOS, MonoTouch, UIPageControl, UIScrollView, Xamarin
Xamarin: Simple GestureRecognizer So i wanted to implement a basic pan gesture to pan around a view. I need… GestureRecognizer, HowTo, iOS, MonoTouch, Xamarin
Xamarin UIPickerView as a Combobox Comboboxes are one of the most common and useful controls in web and application design. They… HowTo, iOS, MonoTouch, Xamarin
Example Login screen using a UIAlertView UIAlertView has some different styles that can be applied to it. The UIAlertViewStyleLoginAndPasswordInput creates a simple login… HowTo, iOS, Login, MonoTouch, UIAlertView, Xamarin
Xamarin: UIAlertView MessageBox In Winforms development the MessageBox is a simple way of alerting the user of an action.… HowTo, iOS, MessageBox, MonoTouch, UIAlertView, Xamarin